Big Dog's Coffee Blog

  • Specialty coffee for everyday people

    The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. Time has certainly moved on since the wise words of mother Goose but the message of the nursery rhym...

    ‘The Glade’ is a local coffee shop situated in Rogerstone, Newport. We asked them a few short questions so that you could learn more about this won...
  • Local coffee, for local people

    What does local mean to you? Walking distance to your nearest shop, buying your goods from independent businesses, serving a purpose within the co...
  • Women in Coffee

    Life is arguably all about balance. The timeless topic of gender equality continues to proliferate within the coffee industry. At Big Dog, relation...
  • Costa Rica, Tarrazu

    Costa Rica boasts some of the best coffee in the central America region. Coffee is cultivated at high altitudes, leading to a pleasant acidity and ...
  • Perfecting your coffee extraction

    Tips on how to perfect your extraction.
  • A true underdog - Uganda

    Uganda: what automatically springs to mind as we make the nation the topic of discussion? Oppression, corruption, ‘The Last King of Scotland’? This landlocked nation of Africa has been synonymous with controversy since gaining independence during the early 1960s.
  • Dealing Direct

    The diligence of consumer purchasing persistently increases and how people select their coffee continues to endure change. The perception of coffee...
  • Mission Fairtrade

    Ethically sourcing coffee is vital to our sustainable practices at Big Dog Coffee. It’s our responsibility to ensure farmers are paid fairly for th...
  • Washed vs. Natural Process

    Whether you’re a novice with specialty coffee or a seasoned pro, it’s always interesting to learn and understand how and why a single origin co...
  • The Value in Specialty

    As Big Dog continues to grow so does its community. Therefore, it’s paramount that we’re able to collectively recognise the ‘specialty’ of our cof...
  • The Next Chapter

    Big Dog – Independent coffee roasters of Wales. If you are not up to date with the Big Dog social media, there were some significant developments ...